Peter Wüthrich | Guten Morgen Mr. Bloom
Guten Morgen Mr. Bloom, very obviously, refers back to James Joyce’s Ulysses. Joyce himself commented on the exegesis of his novel on Bloom's wanderings through the day and Dublin with the much-quoted: "I've put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries". Wüthrich's show solves none of the puzzles and does not engage in the business of Ulysses exegesis which was already flourishing during Joyce's lifetime. In Wüthrich’s show Joyce's riddles are prolonged to become a puzzling yet strangely coherent jigsaw of an Ulysses-quoting world of found objects. Wüthrich’s 'stream-of conscious' meanders from the reading of the novel into this puzzle of things invaded by words and ending with the litany of Joycean intercession climbing a ladder. In the Catholic liturgy, the intercessory prayer has its place at the end of the Liturgy of the Word. In Wüthrich's show, it concludes his celebration of the word.
Opening on 9 September from 6pm | show until 6 October | opening hours Wednesday thr. Friday 3 to 7pm and by appointment | tel 0176 615 220 31
Sigmaringer Str. 23 | 10713 Berlin
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